Thursday, April 30, 2015

The difference between the approaches of Apple and Samsung to design devices

Samsung has long forced to put up with accusations of copying devices Apple. It is one thing to do gadgets like Apple, and quite another to do gadgets like Apple. What more in the way Samsung?
The Korean manufacturer finally abandoned plastic in their smart phones from removable memory modules and batteries, added unique features to the appearance of devices.
But recently, in an environment of Android users has risen the hype about the garbage Qualcomm sticker on the top of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge from Verizon.
It would seem that some sticker! But has anyone seen these stickers on all models of iPhone? For Apple, the look of their devices is too high. For the same reason Macs are no labels "Intel inside".
However, crooked sticker pasted on the Galaxy S6 Edge is not the most terrible thing. It can be peeled off, at least.


I must admit that the whole design of the latest generation of Samsung Galaxy S turned out pretty good. However, in his appearance, there are things on which any perfectionist able permanently to despair. This lack of alignment of the elements relative to each other smartphone.
Take a look at a few modified title image Galaxy S6 Edge. Each element just added axis.
Unfortunately, this problem has also affected the normal Galaxy S6. And in comparison with the iPhone 6 curve alignment elements in the phone becomes even more noticeable.
The problem is not only with the bottom edge of the smartphone. Take a look at the top:


And on the side. It addition tray SIM-card has climbed to the brink of the end chamfer.
Almost all the elements are arranged on the body haphazardly. In this sense, Samsung still need to learn a lot from Apple.

Of course, someone will say that it's all the little things. But it was the little things distinguish the Masters from the artisan.
Bringing products to the ideal robs developers an incredible amount of time and effort. It requires painstaking planning. For in the end, all the elements are arranged on the body along the right sides at a predetermined distance, even the board must be designed with an eye to appearance.
Does this make sense? For the buyer, there may not be an indicator of quality of the work done. Flawless appearance means that the manufacturer also spent a lot of effort to bring to an ideal and design of the gadget as a whole. In addition, software bugs can be corrected later, but errors remain a designer with the device before the end of its life cycle.

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