Monday, April 27, 2015

Apple accused of sabotage Tidal music service on iOS

Restart Beats Music was very close. It is expected that the new service will be presented at the June conference WWDC 2015. In this regard, Apple even accused of sabotage


 directed against competitors. According to rumors, the Cupertino-based company allegedly specifically retards the release of the updated Tidal competing applications for iOS.
Tidal program since its restart on March 30 lost in the list of 700 best apps in the App Store. This is indicated by unnamed sources in the music industry, relied upon by the New York Post. This turn of events, according to outside observers, was the result of intentional activity Apple. Manufacturer iPhone seemed to be specially delays release updates to the application competitors, what makes music lovers to abandon the use of Tidal on iOS. At the same time for the Android platform Tidal program is available from 15 April.
According to another source Post, Apple also refused to cooperate with the performers, who provided exclusive content for Tidal. Here the press even quoted a senior vice president of Apple's iTunes content Kondrka Robert, who allegedly stated this rule Universal Music Group. Although such a policy - not new in the music industry in such activities for many Apple seems just a flagrant violation of all conceivable laws and the rights of musicians.
Here's an example: Rihanna released on Tidal premiere of his song «American Oxygen». And then, according to representatives of Universal, all of its tracks were trapped on iTunes. While at Apple refute such charges.
Music streaming service from Apple - Beats Music - will work very soon. This product must compete with such well-known platforms as Tidal, Spotify and Rdio. We already know that the use Tidal fee charged impressive (although the owner of the platform rapper Jay Z wants to turn it into a publicly available). In addition, Tidal content ensures excellent quality (lossless, to be exact), and co-operate with the company known performers - Madonna, Beyonce, Daft Punk, Jack White, and this is not an exhaustive list. Critics Tidal confidently state that lost in the App Store position equivalent to a death sentence for this service, at least on iOS. At the same time he continues to Jay Z optimistic about the future, telling its subscribers to Twitter, just one month service attracted 770 thousand. Subscribers, whereas competitors to achieve similar results took years.
Many believe that even with the Beats and restart in a competitive environment, many users will remain loyal to their favorite music platforms, each will choose a suitable product. Therefore it is difficult to objectively determine what future music news from Apple, and in the new context will operate a competing product Tidal

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