Sunday, April 5, 2015

Game Boy from the iPhone 6: joke, which I want to believe

Smart Boy - one of

 the April Fools' jokes, which would not hurt to be true.
This concept was published March 31 in the Facebook page of the manufacturer of accessories Hyperkin. It can be described as follows: Dock with buttons attached to the iPhone 6 Plus (and probably other smartphones) and allows you to play games on the Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulators from the App Store. The similarity of the body with the legendary console noticeable to the naked eye, but the dream of the day was not bad. Hazyvalsya accessory is simple and clear: Smart Boy.
Sorry, but April 2 Hyperkin hastened to reveal a humorous idea, disappointing subscribers your page.
Many of you believe that Smart Boy - April Fool's joke. This is so. We are "merged" with the aim of testing its market - to observe, whether he is able to become something more than just a nice idea.
Vague wording does not guarantee that Hyperkin really will not release such an accessory. But the shock activity Nintendo on the legal front is unlikely to allow him to see the light. All hope for the brave Chinese people who deeply care about the concept of intellectual property. And you would buy such a thing for, say, $ 79?

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