Friday, April 3, 2015

Apple was on the 8th place in the number of registered patents in 2014

2014 was marked by the release of


 Apple is not only cool new products like the iPhone with a large display or the announcement of the successful Apple Watch. The company has also received numerous patents for various technologies to implement them in their future mobile devices.
The relevant US rating by the number of patents the company from Cupertino occupies 8th place. This is a fairly advantageous position in comparison with other companies in the industry, but still lower result than the main competitor to Apple.
The undisputed leader in the accumulation of patents for the development of mobile gadgets is now IBM. The first place in 2014, the company took away the leader in 2013, Samsung. This is reported by analysts from Chetan Sharma Consulting. Accordingly, the Korean manufacturer went down to second place, while the third turned out to be the developer of chips Qualcomm. The remaining positions are occupied by Microsoft, Google, Sony and LG. As mentioned above, Apple closes eight. On 9 and 10 places settled BlackBerry and Ericsson.
Provided by researchers from Chetan Sharma Consulting data, the number of US patents for mobile devices in 2014 increased significantly. In the language of numbers, increase was 17% in annual terms. Who among different companies patented technologies designed specifically for a quarter of mobile gadgets. For comparison: in 2004, only one in 10 patent describes an innovation for mobile devices.
In Europe, things are a bit different here work with mobile technologies are not as active. So, in 2014, only 1 out of 10 patents issued to the appropriate development for the mobile industry, it is 4% less than in 2013. According to the guys from Chetan Sharma, the reason for a reduction of activity in the field of mobile technology is on the decline of European manufacturers such as Nokia. Let me remind you, in 2013 Nokia mobile division was purchased by Microsoft.
States following the country's patenting activity of mobile technology - Japan and China. In China the most activity of producers with the most relevant patents - is ZTE and Huawei. While companies such as MediaTek and Xiaomi now also starting to gain momentum in this area.
As for Apple, the company will regularly applies for new patents. Office for Patent and Trademark Office recently issued a request iPhone maker to obtain a patent on a mobile camera with two lenses, which should transmit the image to the same image sensor. This camera can be the optimal solution for ultra-thin gadgets. In this case, it will be more profitable production cost, and quality of images at the same time will not decrease, but rather improve.

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