Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Apple increased the amount of return on invested capital in its work up to $ 200 billion

Apple's Board of Directors decided to expand the program to return on


 invested capital to shareholders, as described on the website. The amount of payments will increase by 50%, and by March 2017, the company must submit to its shareholders of $ 200 billion.
Under this program, and Apple also will buy back shares at $ 140 billion (last year planned to buy shares in the amount of $ 90 billion). Finally, the company will also continue to pay money according to the agreement on mutual on the shares owned her own staff.
The amount of the quarterly dividend, according to a new decision of the Board of Directors, increased by 11%. Now it is $ 0.52 per share, and in that the amount of dividends will be paid to shareholders registered in the register of 14 May 2015.
The program for the return on invested capital to shareholders was launched in August 2012. Since then, and until March 2015 Apple has paid to the holders of its securities $ 112 billion, including $ 80 billion under repurchase shares.
The plans for the management of Apple - the use of local and foreign debt markets. So the company plans to obtain additional funds for the implementation of the decision. The Board and the Board of Directors agreed to regularly review and evaluate the performance of all elements of the program, as well as to adapt it on an annual basis according to the new economic conditions.
We believe that Apple has a bright future ahead, and the unprecedented scale of our program on return on invested capital is precisely reflect this belief. While the program is designed primarily to repurchase our shares, we understand that dividends are extremely important for many of our investors. That is why for the third time in three years decided to increase the volume of payments.
Tim Cook, Apple CEO
In a press release, dedicated to the updated program, described in detail business prospects and plans for the dividends are considered economic risks and disputes. Regarding risks, it is about competition and economic factors, consumer interest and ability to provide actual Apple products to the market, changes in the price of goods and their diversity. Taking into account factors here and cooperation with suppliers, and logistics issues, and the variability of the cost of production of different products, and trade in foreign markets, and issues related to intellectual property. Special attention has to be paid to distribution networks and collaborating with Apple mobile operators, potential problems with the quality of products as well as other external factors that may interfere with delivery and sale in other countries (war, terrorism, natural disasters).
Apple is the third time increases the amount of payments to holders of its shares. Given its success in the last fiscal quarter of 2015, we can confidently expect that the company will easily cope with their obligations.

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