Monday, February 9, 2015

Apple Watch will be able to demonstrate the level of sugar in the blood of its release

It's no secret that Apple Watch will be used not only as smart watches, but also physical activity


 sensor and heart rate monitor. Although in reality functionality of the device was slightly easier than expected. On the other hand, it is always possible to extend the possibility of using third-party accessories and additional software. On the example of the company iPad demonstrated that is able to create an excellent platform and tools for their further modernization and specialization in various fields of human endeavor. The same is obviously waiting and Apple Watch, what evidence was the announcement of DexCom, producing glucometers.

The main feature of the device is a function of DexCom virtually continuous measurement of blood sugar levels, which is very important for diabetics. Let me remind you that the standard glucometers require invasive removal of a blood sample, that is, requires a finger stick. Diabetics recommended to do this procedure 5-7 times a day, but they are usually limited to two (little pleasure in lancing): morning and evening. This approach bears some risk to the health and even the lives of patients. Solution is constructed from DexCom based thickness gauge hypodermic a human hair, which makes the measurement of blood glucose levels every five minutes. Apple Watch as in this case will act as a monitor on which the user will see the required data in the form of a convenient schedule:

It is realized by means of an application for the iPhone and Apple Watch, that is, the graph will be seen as the smartphone, and the smart-hours, which is convenient. The program itself will be available immediately after the hours of Apple's sales, as it does not require approval from the Office of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Although equipment for such permission, of course, necessary, and it has at DexCom.

Apple Watch release is expected in April, as Tim Cook said during a teleconference on the financial report for Q1 2015.

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