Monday, February 16, 2015

Apple conceived outdo Spotify and start a big music business

Since the pre-closed party about the awards


 "Grammy" last week, and the network began to emerge interesting information about this event. For example, he visited the new Apple employee Jimmy Ayovin, which is quite natural, considering its weight in the music industry. Also, there were present CEO, Tim Cook, senior vice president of software and Internet provision Eddy Cue and vice president of iTunes Robert Kondrk. It seems that Apple's plans regarding the music industry extend far beyond the start of the next service and competition from Spotify and the like. Judging by the Billboard, the company wants to actually start a new business.

According to the source, Apple executives were among the most popular and sought-after guest at the party. Jimmy Ayovin, who met for a few weeks before the event with the heads of music labels and discuss new music service Apple, well-paved the way for this. It is not surprising that many famous artists and close to the citizens of the industry like to talk with the giants of the IT and actively doing it. Against the background of falling music sales is technology companies can provide further prosperity in the region and earn money.
Insiders told reporters Billboard, that Apple plans to shake up the good iTunes library and throw her out of thousands of tracks, including cover versions of popular songs, their imitation (sound-alike) and rewriting hits. The updated form music service Apple will focus on original content and best version of the album, without any alterations and alternatives that only distract buyers, complicate the search and selection of music you like.

Along with cleaning your iTunes library will be launched and the new streaming service based on Beats, whose clients will be integrated into iOS 8.

The main weapon against Apple Spotify is a customer base with 800 million credit cards that are already tied to iTunes. That is, customers can subscribe to future service just a click. The company from Cupertino has several hundreds of millions of potential customers against the 15 million subscribers in Spotify. With regard to the issue price, the current figure is discussed in $ 8 per month.

Once Apple had no luck with all sorts of online services, but the company learns from his mistakes. It is possible that with the support of Jimmy Ayovina and through an integrated approach to solving the problem another initiative shoot, so much so that invested in Beats $ 3 billion seem childish prattle on a background of potential profits.

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