Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Apple started hiring administrators to serve corporate clients in partnership with IBM

Last summer, Apple announced a new partnership with IBM. 


The purpose of this partnership - organization development iOS-applications for corporate clients. In general, it was planned to create 100 applications for different companies and different fields of activity, as well as run the appropriate cloud services. In the autumn it became known, and the opening of technical support Apple Care for Enterprise for corporate users.

At present the company from Cupertino is actively working on this new project. It is learned that Apple announced the recruitment team of administrators of business development at IBM. Recruiting held in different US cities. New employees will be responsible for the Interoperability of Apple and IBM in the specified locations and related industries. In other words, these administrators will organize and coordinate the sale of joint software products from Apple and IBM of their corporate clients. That is, this team has a great responsibility for the success of a new project in the United States.
Now the search is carried out by staff areas for which companies create (or have created) applications. So in Seattle and Los Angeles Applicants invited to the post of administrator in the field of health care and retail. In New York, employees are required to serve corporate clients in the financial services and retail trade. And in Dallas and Chicago are hiring professionals for networking with corporate customers in the industrial and commercial areas.

Here's how to work the administrator described on Apple's website in the section of vacancies.

The administrator of business development at IBM with the orientation of a particular industry will work exactly in this specified area. For example, for an administrator assigned territory where served the retail industry. In this case, it will provide a link clients with a team at IBM, which works with applications specifically for this area. Through this mediation Apple and IBM will be able to produce better and more targeted services to its customers. The Administrator will also be responsible for organizing communities accountable to consumers in the area and the region. Communicating with them, we can learn and share experiences, it will also help to organize the best service.

By the way, the position of administrators in the fields of production and health are announced for the first time before Apple does not disclose its readiness to work with companies in these business areas. Although within the last conference on financial matters Tim Cook said that in the first quarter of this calendar year, Apple with IBM will release another 12 applications for corporate customers. That is, the total number of applications for the iPhone and iPad will be 22. According to the CEO Apple, to the already existing list of programs planned to add products to areas of health, energy, utilities and industrial production.
In December, the first 10 were prepared in the framework of the application MobileFirst. Among them are utilities for the banking, retail, insurance, financial, telecommunications and government spheres, as well as for airlines. At the moment, employees are being sought in the already mentioned cities, but as soon as IBM and Apple released a new application for the other companies, the hiring of administrators at the corresponding positions will continue.

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