Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Apple Genius Bar transforms

Apple Store are known not only for its unique interior and an abundance 

of technology, but also convenient service free consultation buyers Genius Bar. However, it is waiting for serious change.

March 9, to change the principles of work of consultants Genius Bar. More guys geniuses will not stand idle. They will be the same staff the shop floor, as well as sales consultants, however, c several advanced features. Service Concierge, which will replace the classical Genius Bar, will create a virtual queue of buyers. It will be carried out by a special program in the iPad, which will have every employee service Concierge.

The buyer, who will need help, can zachekinitsya in line, leaving the application for spetsprilozhenii iPad, located at the front. In response, he received several messages iMessage on the left in the registration number.

The first alert Queuing and indicate the approximate waiting time. The second message will warn the user to return to the Apple Store, and the third will tell you what a consultant is ready to talk to him and where he is in the territory of the store is located.

However, you should not be afraid of in advance. This process should not move during the service, but rather accelerate it. If the room is free employee, he immediately react to the statement of a visitor to a queue and to advise him.

As representatives of Apple, in charge of this project personally Angela Ahrendts and the idea of ​​creating a new customer service belongs to her.

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