Thursday, February 5, 2015

Apple once again decided to break into the television business

In particular, the company plans to launch high-quality television


 service other than that to which we are accustomed, including experience with the Apple TV and video section iTunes. Judging by plying the rumors, the new service will be similar to products such as Sling TV from satellite operator Dish or Sony PlayStation TV.
Representatives of the television industry reports that Apple is in talks with television studios. If successful collaboration with them Cupertino-based company will in the future to present its users with a unique body of a paid service. Moreover, in this case we are talking about a product, not a new set-top box or TV. In principle, it should work the same way like other pay-TV services, but to sell and deliver it to consumers Apple will be directly over the Internet and not by cable. That is, the manufacturer of Apple TV is not planning to reinvent the TV, he simply offered his own version, with a proprietary interface and the corresponding characteristic for Apple comfortable experience.

There is evidence that Apple representatives in their negotiations with content providers and television stations showed them their own experience and prototypes of the desired product. However, no specific characteristics or intended functions, nor the timing of launching a new service no one has yet been announced. Some TV-general's office just prepare to communicate with Apple, but company officials declined to comment on the matter.


In past years, Apple has repeatedly tried to break into the television business. In 2009, the company has offered its users a video streaming service in the form of extensions to the iTunes Store and for $ 30 a month. Since then it has been a few attempts to launch TV services, including plans to cooperate with major cable companies like Time Warner Cable. Then it was assumed that Apple will offer consumers and Time Warner Cable set-top box, and a software-based product developments from this company.

This time, Apple changed the strategy. Her leadership has decided to refuse to cooperate with the cable operators, but to focus on the development of its software and join forces with suppliers of television content. Just that's the company from Cupertino takes the example of Dish and Sony. Referred to providers after years of work in the field of television services came to relationships with the content creators, not the middlemen. Together, they are developing their software solutions for the delivery to users of telecasts in the usual format translation, as in conventional television stations, and in the format of "video on demand", as providers of cable television. That is, the pioneers in this area were asked a new business model, and Apple can now create on its basis a really cool and mass product under its own brand.
All questions on the subject and Tim Cook, and senior vice president of software and Internet provision Eddy Cue say that the company is trying to "unravel the secret of television" and rectify the situation with the current state of television products, which, frankly, anywhere not suitable.

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