Friday, February 20, 2015

Apple intends to invest $ 1.7 billion in new soft factory Japan Display

Displays for portable Apple devices


 produce several partners, which does not simplify the logistics and building supply chain components for the iPhone and iPad. It seems that the company decided to bring order in this matter, and in conjunction with the Japan Display (JDI) to build a display factory only for themselves beautiful.

The project is very serious, judging by the amount that Apple intends to invest in a new venture, which is no less than $ 1.7 billion. By the way, as a partner of Apple chose JDI is not just. The company cooperates with the iPhone since its formation in 2012, and here it is something of special interest. Japan Display is the result of a merger of display units Sony, Hitachi and Toshiba, which have always been famous quality matrices. In current solutions from JDI also considered among the best on the market.

According to the source, the factory will be built next year in Ishikawa, Japan. Initially, the company focused on the production of LCD panels using low polysilicic technology (LTPS). It is currently one of the most advanced and used in displays, iPhone and iPhone 6 6 Plus, and they are recognized in the market of mobile devices with LCD panels for better picture quality. Although OLED-display of the latest generation by Samsung, established in Galaxy Note 4 turned out to be even more perfect.

If desired, the new plant can be re-oriented production of OLED-panels, which are currently used in Apple Watch and in the future can reach the iPhone. As the experience of Samsung, OLED technology is still superior to LCD in features. On the other hand, the application of technology of quantum dots is very tight LCD closer to the possibilities of OLED. In general, the display future looks interesting and bright. From year to year the picture in our devices will be prettier.

At the moment Apple and Japan Display discuss the terms of the transaction and not the fact that it will eventually be concluded. In this context, it is worth recalling last year's rumors that Foxconn will invest $ 2.6 billion in the factory for the production of displays Apple. Since then nothing has been heard. However, the question for the US company is critical and it is better to let it enter into a contract with an experienced manufacturer in the said area than brisk, but do not have such experience in the production of displays by the Chinese.

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