Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Not the most successful attempt to destroy the iPhone

The main thing - keep shooting, no matter what happens!
It seems that the time has come to establish an analogue of the Darwin Award for the most senseless 
destruction of the iPhone. Over the years, the popularity of "apple" technique we saw countless movies with arson, and throws the iPhone and iPad executions. A recent example can recall 

confrontation iPad and katana and throwing devices in jelly and plasticine.
This time, the author of "Crash Test" decided to brew a brand new iPhone 6S in the molten wax. special pens used to obtain seething mixture. When all was ready, iPhone placed in a liquid, but the high temperature and oxygen have a little spice to the plot.
As you can see, the author came out with dignity out of the situation, and most importantly - do not stop to shoot what is happening. Before such experiments better brush up on your knowledge of physics to remember what can happen.


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