Monday, February 8, 2016

How to call Tesla using Apple Watch

Another great use of smart watches.
A month ago, the company Tesla Motors in the next firmware update for its electric cars unveiled remote function call and parking.
Operation is activated by the key fob with a key. But more recently, it can be controlled with Apple Watch. Proper application appeared in the App Store on Wednesday.
And the next 


day by Mark Shea has uploaded a video on YouTube, which shows how his Tesla Model S on command from the Apple Watch opens the garage door, leaves and closes the gate.
It is noteworthy that Shay tested Remote S for Tesla application before the creator of the studio Rego Apps, as he said in comments to the neck clips on YouTube:

"Hi! It is the developer of the program Remote S. Congratulations, you are the first person that caused his car with a smart watch. Unfortunately, I was not Apple Watch, when I wrote the code for this function, so I did not test it first. "

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