Sunday, February 7, 2016

At Apple Watch - two-thirds of the smart watch market

These data on the results of 2015 has provided Canalys.
The research firm has estimated the sales results of "wearable" in 2015, according to all presented in this segment producers.
Apple is in the lead both in terms of the year - has sold more than 12 million Apple Watch,, and separately on the results of the last quarter (5 million hours), according to Canalys estimate.


Second place went to Samsung - positively affected the modernization of the structure of its smart watches Gear S2. The third and fourth places, respectively, occupied the Pebble and Huawei with Android Wear.
Fitness bracelets 37 million units have been sold this year. Ahead - Fitbit, the second place - at Xiaomi, which has sold 12 million Mi Band.
The market of "smart watches" in the coming years will continue to grow. Another research firm, Gartner, expects its growth to the end of 2017 by 48%.
As Canalys notes, the proceeds of smart hours of total sales in 2016 will be at least $ 17 billion a year.

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