Monday, February 22, 2016

How to protect your iPhone and iPad from "1/1/1970" error

Only for devices with jailbreak.


One of the advantages of jailbreaking is the ability to shut down the system "hole", without waiting for solutions from Apple. Another confirmation of this was the release tweak BrickDate.
With the expansion, you can protect your iPhone or iPad from the "1/1/1970" error. Every day, thousands of devices out of stupidity or because of deliberate sabotage become blocked. Solve the problem is not so difficult, but it is much better not to deal with it at all.
To do this on a device with jailbreak do the following:
launch Cydia and wait until the update tweaks the list (or tab, click Update Changes);
BrickDate find the tweak to find and install it;
We go to the iOS settings and in the section BrickDate activate a single switch;
restart the Settings app from the multitasking bar, or press Kill Settings.
Now the date of the change in the parameters will not be available. To disable the restriction is sufficient to switch off the action jailbreak tweak settings and complete the application.
Owners of devices without the need to wait hack iOS updates and to be careful, to give your iPhone or iPad into the wrong hands.

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