Saturday, December 12, 2015

The next version of Android will receive multiple windows

Google representatives


 have shared the company's plans for further development of the mobile OS.
In late September, the Good Corporation has introduced a new tablet with a detachable keyboard, which showed that Android as the operating system is quite capable of providing productive work at a laptop. However, the first people began to notice that the main drawback is the lack of the Green Robot multi-mode.
And the other day, answering questions from users of the resource Reddit, Google employees have reported that the MW in the near future may be implemented in the system. It is likely that this will happen with the release of the next version of Android.
We are working on a number of enhancements to Android in this form factor. There are quite a few things, such as MW, we're working on for quite a while - hopefully soon we will be able to tell more about it.
Then, Google representatives said that most of the new features will likely be introduced in the Android N - the next version of the mobile OS.
Earlier, a similar feature called Split Screen 9 appeared in iOS for the iPad. With it you can simultaneously run two applications on your screen. A similar function from the very beginning has been available on Windows 8, but Samsung and completely implemented a full multiple windows in your own modified Android.

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