Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Apple has come too late in the business of streaming audio

Sure, Apple - a powerful company with popular products and resources. And whatever she decided to enter a 


new market, all its proposals are current, relevant and popular. Even if it comes on the market it is not the first and not an innovator. So it was with planshetofonom - iPhone 6 Plus came two years after the launch of Samsung Galaxy Note. And Apple got into the same stream. iPad Pro emerged as a competitor to Microsoft Surface, and analysts believe that it is a mega-tablet will spur sales of such devices from Apple. There was also support networks of 3G, which Apple does not hurry to introduce into their smart phones, waiting for the technology develops and becomes more common.
The strategy of working and, in practice, is justified. But apparently this does not affect all services Apple. A recent example - is Apple Music. The project, to which the company was preparing to launch very thoroughly. However, there are concerns that in this case the iPhone maker waited too long, and there was a musical product fully mature market, where competitors provide consumers with more exciting services on more favorable terms of cooperation. As of October at the Apple Music, there were 6.5 million paid users. And it is excellent for such a young service. But Apple Music is a problem: most users prefer free streaming services, they have long been determined them with suitable platforms. And the toll area to lure them will be very difficult.
Among Apple's competitors select Spotify, Pandora and YouTube. The company from Cupertino closes this list, that is, takes pride of place 4. So, Pandora 78 million active users, and it also acquired Rdio and plans to launch next year service broadcasting music on demand. This will make Pandora a direct competitor to Apple Music. In Spotify's June reported a user base of 75 million people, and by the end of this month the figure supposedly will grow to 100 million. The platform YouTube, which itself is considered to be the largest provider of streaming music, just unveiled its music application to consumers was easier broadcast music content.
Perspectives from Apple in this market is not very optimistic. Even if the company next year will be able to increase tenfold its own user base, it would still be far from its competitors. And the motivation of the consumer as such, no. After all, nobody knows what should make people in their right mind to go for a paid service with a free offering, in principle, the same features and capabilities.
To catch up and beat the competition, Apple will have to strain much. Who is iOS-app Apple Music still complain because of the bugs on the Mac, too, would like better. Some people have even compared the work of Apple Music with iTunes version of the sample in 2008 - the same was buggy. The only plus in the Apple Music - The online radio Beats 1, but to listen to it do not need a paid account. So who wants to pay for the account when Apple, if the application of the steeper Spotify, Pandora is supported by almost all the gadgets, YouTube is quite able to replace any streaming service?
Among Apple's competitors select Spotify, Pandora and YouTube. The company from Cupertino closes this list, that is, takes pride of place 4. So, Pandora 78 million active users, and it also acquired Rdio and plans to launch next year service broadcasting music on demand. This will make Pandora a direct competitor to Apple Music. In Spotify's June reported a user base of 75 million people, and by the end of this month the figure supposedly will grow to 100 million. The platform YouTube, which itself is considered to be the largest provider of streaming music, just unveiled its music application to consumers was easier broadcast music content.
Perspectives from Apple in this market is not very optimistic. Even if the company next year will be able to increase tenfold its own user base, it would still be far from its competitors. And the motivation of the consumer as such, no. After all, nobody knows what should make people in their right mind to go for a paid service with a free offering, in principle, the same features and capabilities.
To catch up and beat the competition, Apple will have to strain much. Who is iOS-app Apple Music still complain because of the bugs on the Mac, too, would like better. Some people have even compared the work of Apple Music with iTunes version of the sample in 2008 - the same was buggy. The only plus in the Apple Music - The online radio Beats 1, but to listen to it do not need a paid account. So who wants to pay for the account when Apple, if the application of the steeper Spotify, Pandora is supported by almost all the gadgets, YouTube is quite able to replace any streaming service?


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