Thursday, December 24, 2015

Shareholders may influence the selection of directors of Apple

Democracy in government.

Management of the company publicly announce that shareholders will be able to influence the choice of the board of directors of Apple. Thus, the Cupertino-based company has become one of the few first introduced in his leadership the right to vote by proxy (proxy).
The current Apple board of directors issued a decree on Monday to read. A shareholder or group of shareholders (up to 20 people), owning 3% of the company's securities for at least 3 years are eligible to offer the annual statement of candidacy for the post of board members. Shareholders may nominate not more than 20% of members of the Board of Directors. (The board of directors of Apple 8, that is, the shareholders have the opportunity to nominate one candidate.)
This innovation gives the shareholders the opportunity to more significantly influence the decisions of directors and the company's strategy. And Apple - not the only corporation that has gone to such changes. Since the expansion of the rights of investors has become a hot topic in the corporate environment, many other companies are doing the same. Among them - Goldman Sachs Group, McDonald's Corp. and Coca-Cola Co. According to the advisory firm Institutional Shareholder Services, dealing with issues of empowerment shareholders, 10% of the companies from the list of S & P 500 have already adopted such innovations in their direction.
39% of shareholders made by Apple to provide them with enhanced powers and the right to choose the director in March of this year, at the annual meeting. One of them was a California investor James MakRichi. Now he is satisfied with the innovation, however, disappointed that the shareholders can elect only one director. According to him, the voice of one can not be taken into account if the other directors did not support him in this or that decision. MakRichi also believes that in the near future, the right to influence the decisions of the board of directors hardly need shareholders. However, this solution guide Apple could become a symbol of democracy in the ranks of the company, and it will certainly serve as an example and other corporations. However, where the expansion of the influence of shareholders on the company's strategy is critical and necessary.

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