Friday, December 18, 2015

Released 9.2.1 Public Beta 1 iOS

To risk or not to risk - that is the question.
As expected, the next

iPhone 6s 3D Touch

 day after the release of the first beta of iOS 9.2.1 to developers Apple opened access to public beta iOS. Update software "air" may all program participants beta Apple, installed on their device special certificates. Become a member is very simple. Just go to a special website Apple, go there and download the registration certificate of the target device.
Updating the iOS 9.2.1 does not contain major changes in the operating system. Probably, it is intended to improve the overall stability of the system, improve its performance and error correction, which remained since the release of iOS 9.2. Before you install the beta version is strongly recommended that you back up. From the test assemblies can expect anything.

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