Friday, December 25, 2015

Samsung has got a new lawsuit from Apple's $ 180 million.

Themselves to blame

Samsung Galaxy S II Main

 - you had to pay before and did not worsen the situation.
The patent dispute Apple and Samsung again gaining momentum. From the South Korean company will now try to get nearly $ 180 million for the sale of five phone after the Samsung recognized the infringer of patents Apple. It is about 4 phones Galaxy line and a Droid Charge, for each of which has a certain amount of compensation.
Galaxy S II Skyrocket - $ 6,144,916;
Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch - $ 96,920,602;
Galaxy S II T-Mobile - $ 74,706,398;
Droid Charge - $ 620,467;
Galaxy Prevail - $ 167,488.
 The total amount of 178,659,870 dollars can now add to the 548 million that the US Supreme Court ordered Samsung to pay in favor of Apple. By the way, almost half have been listed, but at the last moment the leadership of the South Korean company to change the decision and filed an appeal.
It is possible that the timely execution of the promises and commitments could save Samsung's new claim.


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