Monday, May 11, 2015

Apple seriously expand its environmental initiatives in China

On Apple can be 


any blame that the company is not able to provide adequate working conditions at its Chinese factories. She is accused of suicides of workers and the irrational exploitation of natural resources. At the same time she diligently works on his image of "green" companies, and just yesterday informed about the launch of the new initiative.
The official website of Apple appeared the press release, which describes the company's plans regarding environmental projects on Chinese enterprises. It was decided to launch two initiatives:
for the care of Chinese forests, from which it takes raw materials;
transfer of factories working with Apple, the use of energy from renewable sources.
The programs will be implemented with the support of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). According to the company's Tim Cook, on the implementation of the plan will take years to life, but the main thing here - to act.
The program for the protection of forests is planned to provide proper care for about 40 thousand. Hectares of forest land, which is taken from the raw materials for the production of pulp, paper and wood required Apple.
Forests as energy - is a fully renewable resource. We are confident that we can rely exclusively on renewable resources. We are able to create an inexhaustible source of raw materials on the basis of forests for the production of blank paper for packaging our products. This is an important step towards the goal of our contribution to the improvement of the world.
Lisa Jackson, vice president of Apple's Environmental Initiatives
Even Apple's plans to expand in China, the company launched projects in the field of renewable resources.
We have already set an example, to equip its data centers with solar panels and using alternative energy sources to supply shops and offices. Now we are ready to serve as an example in the reduction of carbon-emissions during operation of industrial enterprises. Such initiatives are not implemented overnight, it will take years. But the beginning it should be expected, and Apple is in a unique position. Companies have to become a pioneer in this type of activity. We are ready to take on this responsibility, and we are pleased to partner with suppliers who want to make a revolution in the economic transformation of China.
Tim Cook, Apple CEO
Yesterday's statement published just three weeks after the launch of China's initiative for the construction of solar power plants in Sichuan. By the way, these enterprises generated energy should be more than enough to provide electricity to corporate offices and Apple stores in China.
These projects are to generate solar power are designed to minimize the impact of production on the environment of the country and to protect pastures China vital to the population of yaks. To date, 87% of the worldwide activities of Apple realized it at the expense of renewable energy. Sichuan project will bring the company to its target - 100% renewable energy use in factories, shops and offices around the world.
Apple support of the project and its leadership in environmental initiatives proves that the protection of forests - is not just a useful thing for society, but extremely important decision for the business. The partnership between our two organizations should reduce the negative impact of China on the environment. The program we will be able to take wood from renewable forest resources in our own territory. Such activity is very important for China, the world's largest importer of sawn timber. We also hope that the initiative will help shape a new model of corporate leadership to promote sustainable forest management and more efficient use of paper all over the world.On Apple can be any blame that the company is not able to provide adequate working conditions at its Chinese factories. She is accused of suicides of workers and the irrational exploitation of natural resources. At the same time she diligently works on his image of "green" companies, and just yesterday informed about the launch of the new initiative.
The official website of Apple appeared the press release, which describes the company's plans regarding environmental projects on Chinese enterprises. It was decided to launch two initiatives:
for the care of Chinese forests, from which it takes raw materials;
transfer of factories working with Apple, the use of energy from renewable sources.
The programs will be implemented with the support of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). According to the company's Tim Cook, on the implementation of the plan will take years to life, but the main thing here - to act.
The program for the protection of forests is planned to provide proper care for about 40 thousand. Hectares of forest land, which is taken from the raw materials for the production of pulp, paper and wood required Apple.
Forests as energy - is a fully renewable resource. We are confident that we can rely exclusively on renewable resources. We are able to create an inexhaustible source of raw materials on the basis of forests for the production of blank paper for packaging our products. This is an important step towards the goal of our contribution to the improvement of the world.
Lisa Jackson, vice president of Apple's Environmental Initiatives
Even Apple's plans to expand in China, the company launched projects in the field of renewable resources.
We have already set an example, to equip its data centers with solar panels and using alternative energy sources to supply shops and offices. Now we are ready to serve as an example in the reduction of carbon-emissions during operation of industrial enterprises. Such initiatives are not implemented overnight, it will take years. But the beginning it should be expected, and Apple is in a unique position. Companies have to become a pioneer in this type of activity. We are ready to take on this responsibility, and we are pleased to partner with suppliers who want to make a revolution in the economic transformation of China.
Tim Cook, Apple CEO
Yesterday's statement published just three weeks after the launch of China's initiative for the construction of solar power plants in Sichuan. By the way, these enterprises generated energy should be more than enough to provide electricity to corporate offices and Apple stores in China.
These projects are to generate solar power are designed to minimize the impact of production on the environment of the country and to protect pastures China vital to the population of yaks. To date, 87% of the worldwide activities of Apple realized it at the expense of renewable energy. Sichuan project will bring the company to its target - 100% renewable energy use in factories, shops and offices around the world.
Apple support of the project and its leadership in environmental initiatives proves that the protection of forests - is not just a useful thing for society, but extremely important decision for the business. The partnership between our two organizations should reduce the negative impact of China on the environment. The program we will be able to take wood from renewable forest resources in our own territory. Such activity is very important for China, the world's largest importer of sawn timber. We also hope that the initiative will help shape a new model of corporate leadership to promote sustainable forest management and more efficient use of paper all over the world.

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