Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Apple is looking for a new manager for problem iAd advertising platform

In early May, the company announced its interest in the new director of marketing for the direction Beats. And now there was a


 vacant seat for the post of the future manager of global communications for the promotion of iAd. Nobody wants to work in Apple?
For approval as a candidate is required to have not too impressive list of qualities and skills, but all of the above must be present for the successful adoption of a position. The Apple expect from the candidate skills of marketing positioning, strategy development and maintenance of communications for the advertising platform, implying internal and external communications. Not the last role to play previous work experience in a similar position, which should be from 5 to 7 years. In addition, very useful experience and will interact with the public lasting at least 2-3 years.
The marketing platform iAd actively developing Apple, although initially inferior to the popularity of multi-platform advertising proposals from Facebook and Google, advertising services which were worth much less. Recall that after the launch of the service in 2010, Apple initially made a big bet on the company's rich, who could afford advertising cost from $ 1 million.
First the company took advantage of advertising opportunities iAd, complained about the very strict rules of cooperation with Apple, which is also tightly controlled the advertised content. In the future, the rules softened within reason, and the minimum payment threshold for Apple for the use of the possibilities of their advertising platform down to $ 50, which made it possible to significantly increase the number of interested customers.

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