Saturday, May 23, 2015

9 iOS and OS X 10.11: enhancing security and improving the new common

For the first few years, Apple's iOS 9 and OS X 10.11 intends to focus not on the number of innovations, as well as on the operating system. We should not underestimate the new features that Apple will present at WWDC 2015 in June.
9 And iOS and OS X 10.11 will be finalized Apple, to appear

 before the user stable and operating system performance. However, the new features still appear, as well as certain changes occur in the programming language Swift and tools for developers. All the reshuffling of the company's engineers have the same goal - to make future releases as stable as it was in his time OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.
But back to the innovations in operating systems. We have already talked about the new system font, the application "Home", the division of the iPad screen for multitasking as well as improvements to the map service. A distinctive feature of the new operating system will be synchronization of innovations.
In OS X 10.11 add "Control Center" by analogy with iOS. If the "Notification Center" is located on the right, it controls the operating system will be on the left. On this about the external changes can be forgotten, because Apple intends to make the updated operating system safe. Firstly, in iOS 9 and OS X 10.11 debut new security system, referred to as «Rootless». Source resource 9to5 describes it as major improvements at the kernel level of the operating system that will prevent malicious software, improve security enhancements and security of user data.
Rootless would be a serious blow to fans of the jailbreak, and difficult to crack will not only iOS, and OS X, where the file system is going to be simply inaccessible.
Also, update your operating system will no longer be used with IMAP-server data exchange with iCloud Drive. Now the whole process of exchange of user data with cloud storage and other services will be implemented through iCloud Drive, which will offer users the best encryption and faster synchronization. For this purpose, Apple has modifies its network infrastructure.
Another brick in the security of iOS and OS X will feature «Trusted Wi-Fi». It will provide a higher level of encryption and secure data transmission using some public wireless networks.
With the release of iOS 9 Apple does not abandon support for iPhone 4s and iPad mini. On the contrary, the company's engineers are working on the optimization of the mobile operating system for the processor A5. Thus, users of older devices do not throw them away after 9 iOS and devices get higher and stable performance.
inally, Apple plans to launch Swift 2.0. For ordinary users, this primarily refers to a smaller set of applications created with Swift. Currently, each program contains a set of additional libraries of about 8 MB, but in iOS 9 and OS X 10.11 they will be built into the operating system and does not require additional overhead in software.
In addition, we note that Apple does not translate in their native applications on operating systems Swift. This will happen only after a year and 10 in iOS OS X 10.12.

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