Friday, January 23, 2015

Apple agreed to check the safety of its products by the Chinese side


of media leaks and listening to individual heads of state, led to the fact that paranoid thoughts of universal spying through the keyhole visit even "Aunt Masha" from the Baikal region. What is already talking about those individuals whose contacts in the phone book or list of recent calls may trigger World War III. Chinese authorities have addressed directly to the company Apple to test all of their devices for information security.

Such a request was voiced by the head of Internet security in China Lu Wei, who met with Tim Cook CEO Apple in December last year. However, only now become known result. Apple has agreed to provide all of their devices for checking and testing.

According to Chinese sources, Tim Cook assured the government of China that confidentiality has always stood by Apple in the first place.

Rumors spread about us, saying that third parties can easily get stored on Apple's servers information. I personally can be a guarantee that no loopholes never was not, and never will be.

- Tim Cook

Lu Wei took the "oath" Cook, but still asked to allow Apple devices to pass formal verification special service that monitors Internet security. Thus, Wei wants to protect not only ordinary users, how much, the Chinese leadership from the possible disclosure of their personal lives.

It is worth noting that the visit of Lu Wei, and such a request were not random. Apple is now under scrutiny almost all the intelligence agencies of the world, as rumored, she was involved in the spy scandal in China. Apple, of course, denies all the allegations against him, but the Chinese government continues to insist on further inspection and analysis.

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