Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Why Apple should eliminate Mac

Because giving up his most promoted brand, Apple will be able to focus on truly innovative products of the future.
Cash capital of $ 195 billion Apple feels the business like no other similar companies. No wonder that the leadership is not afraid of venturing


 risky venture, to conceive ambitious projects and aim for the conquest of previously inaccessible areas and markets. Alone plans to change the transport segment are worth.
Conduct business in a style Apple helps that it delivers on the consumer electronics market is very popular and very cool products - from computers to a variety of Mac iOS-devices. For example, iMac exists as a product in 1997, developing it a hand of talented designers - John Ive. But in spite of all his genius and performance, Ive is an ordinary man. He is not a robot, as well as other employees of the company. And human resources are limited in many ways. Since the first translucent iMac took 18 years, during which the team has grown under the control of Quince, increased the number of its responsibilities, and the company itself has become much more. That's just the physical capabilities themselves have managers and key personnel has not increased.
Against this background, and was born the view that now is the best time to start the Mac maker to depart from the scope of the traditional PC, in principle. This position is held Kristofker Mims of The Wall Street Journal. But first things first.
The journalist believes that the iPhone maker has started to grasp at everything, being confident in the success in all areas. This pride, which, as we know, nobody has benefited, moreover, for many empires, it was she who was the cause of the fall (and it is not only about the history and geography). Mims shares his impressions of the conference WWDC 15, claiming that Apple looked at her as if she has to work at full capacity. The presentation was devoted to the description of new features for different platforms, starting with OS X and iOS, and ending with Apple Watch. But the public presentation of Apple Music seemed somehow blurred.
Some people believe that large companies can be the best in two, maybe three things. So, Google copes with the search, the Android operating system and its advertising platform, its other projects seem to be compared with them someone's hobby. The company is known for its Amazon Web services and online sales, but the Amazon Fire Phone deemed it a failure. The list goes on, entering into it big names like Samsung, Facebook or Microsoft. The main thing to realize that is not the amount of resources that are available from a particular company. Focus is precisely on the fact that she can do better than anyone else in the business. And yet, it is simply impossible to do better than everything.
Of course, money solves a lot of problems, but not all, and the reason for a series of actions of the company are they, crispy dollars. Officially, Apple does not publish its profits from sales of only the Mac. But in 2013, the analyst Horace Didier estimated that the Cupertino-based company only on their computers earn more than five largest PC makers combined.
But the situation in perspective. In the 1st quarter of fiscal 2015 (end of 2014 - January 2015) to Apple was something interesting. From sales of Mac maker has received the highest profits in history. Whereas in relation to the total revenues it yielded the lowest percentage of computers income. 5.5 million from the sale of Mac company raised $ 6.9 billion, which is equal to only 9% of its total revenue in the financial period under discussion. Any other manufacturer would have been extremely happy in this performance. Whereas for Apple such amount does weather and little to solve.
In the opinion of Christopher Mims, the company from Cupertino is needed focus. And how it is typical for many large corporations, ambitious, this focus it just does not get. For example, iPhone is now at its zenith as the perfectly prepared, researched and advertised product. At the same time iPad still needs improvement as a platform, and Apple Watch generally stored in the embryonic stage. At the same time, engineers from Cupertino are sprayed (with investment) to create products like the Mac Pro, such public is not present at any of its competitors. But the supply of this computer are negligible in comparison with the supply of any other product from Apple.
Get to all the engineers, developers and managers involved in computers, so send them the skills and experience to work with other topical products. How much more could be competitive these devices! By all indications, the future of consumer electronics industry is no longer lies in the computers. So why spend on Apple Mac time and energy, which are limited, even though the fabulous free capital? Is it visionary leadership believes that it is necessary to spend resources on the simultaneous release of the world's finest PCs, smart phones and operating systems for them? Is not it better to focus on smart phones and related infrastructure postkompyuternoy era - for wearable electronics, high-quality cloud services and all sorts of screens that act as thin clients?
Apple is exceptional, according to Mims, and many other experts, but it now stands at a crossroads. Its leadership will have to decide what the company will be in the future, whether to keep the status of the technology giant and innovator in methods would be the use of devices and interact with consumers. Will it continue to produce computers, or will create a unique consumer electronics. In today's world it is a "cloud" has become the environment in which companies operate, and individual users. This mobile gadgets represent their respective owners. So why Apple continues to cut a lap of honor around the computer industry, which entered a stage of its decline?


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