Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Apple is the only gift shop closes for renovation

There is a


 shop Apple, in which you do not buy any iPhone, or iMac. And even ah-genius does not support you smart advice. But inside the official sale of souvenir symbolism.
The store, located directly at the main campus at Apple 1 Infinite Loop, is scheduled to close at the end of this month on the global redevelopment and renovation of interior decoration is unique in its kind Apple Store.
The companies do not just want to refresh their view of "souvenir shop", but also to rethink the concept of the store. In addition to T-shirts with logos, and all sorts of funny shirts, here want to place items related to the history of Apple. Thus, the mini-museum of Apple will be able to attract even more visitors.
According to rumors, the company is also working on the discovery of another such store. Anyway, the work on the new concept could be occupation for the soul Johnny Quince. The shop will be closed June 12 on the eve of WWDC and will open in late autumn.

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