One of the main problems, which are aimed at correcting
the first major update OS X Yosemite, was unstable work Wi-Fi, which complained about very many computer users Apple. Update to version 10.10.1 left, and in first place in the list of patches was listed just Wi-Fi, but in practice, the problem was not solved.
Not only users, but Apple itself expected to solve the problems with wireless connection in OS X 10.10.1. However, judging by the support forums of the American company, many owners of Mac computers are still experiencing problems with Wi-Fi. The biggest topic on the subject already has over 1200 posts.
Problems occur when using certain models of Mac, and certain routers. However, Wi-Fi may not work properly even in conjunction with a new iMac display Retina 5K and AirPort Time Capsule, which can hardly be explained by common sense.
Currently, there are several possible solutions:
Clean install OS X Yosemite.
Translation router in AP mode.
Forced to use 2.4 GHz for wireless connection.
Create a script to reset and restart the connection to Wi-Fi, as well as its periodic run.
However, there is no guarantee that these methods will help to make Wi-Fi to work in your case. Apple is an urgent need to solve this problem, and not delaying the process to update 10.10.2.
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