Saturday, September 13, 2014

Until the end of the year, Apple plans to put 80 million. IPhone 6 and 6 Plus

Today opened pre-orders for two models presented smartphones Apple: iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Both flagship will be the most rapidly distributed in the history of the output iPhone. In addition to plans by the end of the year to begin official sales in the territory of 115 countries, Apple pursues another, purely industrial purpose - to release no less than 80 million smartphones by the end of 2014. 

Until the end of September, the stores and warehouses should be about 10 million iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. 


Manufacture of other 70 million uniformly distributed over the entire fourth quarter. The reason for such a record production problems was the high demand. Due to significantly increase the screen size and the presence of two models of iPhone, analysts are predicting and unprecedented demand for novelty. 

Two years ago, the model was announced iPhone 5. For the first 24 hours, the number of pre-orders for "five" was 2 million, and for the first two months the total number of sales reached the mark of 5.15 million units. A model 4S figures are somewhat more modest: 1 million pre-orders in the first 24 hours. 83% of customers buy the iPhone 5 model to update. Since the official release of the iPhone 5 around the world were sold 91 million smartphones. 

Curiously, the special excitement of buyers observed during the release of the first version of the smartphone (without any set-top boxes, such as 3G or 4S, 5S). So that the target of 80 million units has a very logical analysis "insurance".

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