Monday, September 29, 2014

Apple сделала невозможным возврат к iOS 7.1.2

If you are not very happy with iOS 8, and the reasons

 for this is at least a few, we have bad news. Apple has stopped signing iOS 7.1.2, which means you can not go back to the previous version of the mobile operating system. 

Original iOS 8, which became available for download on September 17 was the reason for the dissatisfaction of many users of mobile devices Apple. Reduce the battery life problems in the Wi-Fi, poor performance on most new devices do not - this is an incomplete list of claims to the "eight". 

The flames were fanned and update iOS 8.0.1, which seems to be out, but a lot of blood popilo individual users and was hastily withdrawn Apple. After a couple of days of the release of iOS 8.0.2, which was more stable and agreed to a number of the most critical problems. 

Nevertheless, there are still many owners of Apple mobile devices are dissatisfied with the quality iOS 8 and would not refuse to return to the latest version of the iOS 7. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible. More September 26 Apple stopped signing iOS 7.1.2, which means that the absolute impossibility of returning to it. So if you suddenly do not want to pass on iOS 8, be careful and keep the current software version, no turning back.

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