Monday, July 14, 2014

Solution with a purple tint screen Lumia 930

Nokia Lumia 930 users reported having problems with the smartphone color reproduction noticeable when dark color scheme and high-brightness. 

Lumia 930 фиолетовый оттенок

We are talking about the purple tide that can be seen even with the naked eye. As it turned out, in most cases the discrepancy is eliminated by simply configuring the display using the standard option "color profile", but makes it not always. 
Some users have confirmed that even adjust tints has not resulted in neutral tones with no timetable. Microsoft has confirmed the existence of such a problem, noting that displays several test samples for the Norwegian market had really inaccurate color reproduction. Upon the occurrence of such devices in other parties will be investigated. 
Once again, if faced with such a problem and you, the first thing you should try to adjust the colors manually: Settings-> Display-> Color Profile-> offset slider "tide" in the direction of green. If this action will not have much, it makes sense to apply the guarantee.

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