Monday, July 28, 2014

In Microsoft sure voice assistant Cortana «intelligent» Siri

Microsoft advertisers love 

trolling Apple fans of video clips, which strongly emphasizes the superiority of the Surface tablet PCs iPad. However, this time the lens camcorders guys from Redmond were not apple tablets and voice assisent Siri, which appeared formidable rival in the person of Cortana. 
The new advertising smartphones Lumia - «Siri vs. Cortana »states that voice assistant Cortana« intelligent »Siri. Among the main advantages of Cortana - Full support for natural language and the ability to adapt to maximize the needs of each user, demonstrated by a simple example of life. 
The promotional video voiceover first asks Siri and remind him of Cortana wedding anniversary next call his wife. Voice Assistant Cortana easily copes with this task, and Siri - no. After voiceover hero movie wants to create a reminder not to forget to buy roses when some will pass by the flower shop. Voice Assistant Cortana agrees to help him, but Siri refuses again, as this is trained.

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