Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Google will ban the customization of their new projects

One of the main advantages of the mobile operating system Android has always been capable of being modified almost beyond recognition by means of third-party applications and firmware.

 This possibility Google hardly ever ban. But as the company's new projects - Android Wear, Android Auto and Android TV, then here is quite different. It was learned that the interfaces of devices running these operating systems will not be subjected to change. 
David Burke, who has revealed to us some details about the line of Nexus, once again, made a statement at this time - the publication of Ars Technica: 
The interface of these products - the most important part of them. Manufacturers of devices based on Android TV, Wear and Auto, of course, be allowed to integrate them into their services. But the appearance of the system change we will not solve. 
This looks very logical servant served by Google. If the software giant plans to create and maintain your ecosystem, then maintain a single style products - one of the key areas softovoi policy. 
Recall that the platform Android TV, Wear and Auto were shown at a developers conference Google I / O 2014. Android TV is a powerful solution for set-top box, which allows you to use all the services Google, as well as access to entertainment content directly from your TV. Android Wear, when installed in smart watches, will give the user instant access to important information coming from a smartphone. Android Auto drivers should wean from the habit of using the smartphone on the go by providing managed voice interface.

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