Thursday, March 9, 2017

Xiaomi introduced smart sneakers with an integrated processor for $ 43

Xiaomi presented an unusual development for itself - "smart" sneakers 90 Minutes Ultra Smart. The cost of the novelty was only $ 43.

Xiaomi представила смарт-кроссовки со встроенным процессором за $43

"The brains of the sneakers" was made by a tiny Intel Curie processor and a low-power 32-bit Quark controller. In addition, the gadget has 384 KB of flash memory and 80 KB of SRAM memory, a Bluetooth wireless adapter, a 6-axis combined sensor with an accelerometer and a gyroscope, as well as a battery charging unit.
One of the main features was the fitness tracker. The owner of such shoes can track the distance traveled, the speed of running and walking, and the number of calories burned. All data is recorded and transferred to the smartphone.
Intel Curie allows you to distinguish between types of physical activity - running, walking, fast pace and stuff. In addition, there are several interactive games and contests for owners of 90 Minutes Ultra Smart. The battery lasts for 2 months with normal use. Sales start on April 15.

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