Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Apple has patented the "pyramid» Smart Connector Apple has patented the "pyramid» Smart Connector

To connect several accessories at a time through the iPad Pro magnetic connector.

IOS-devices manufacturer received a patent for the so-called "pyramid» Smart Connector. This is a new type of magnetic connector that allows to one output device can connect several accessories. For example, keyboard, headphones and charger.
Connection principle is simple, like all brilliant. Connectors must be connected to each other on the basis of a serial connection and with the help of magnets. No spring clips or other types of physical clips.

The Smart Connector for both iPad Pro models use trehpinovaya connector configuration. The patented version of "pyramidal" connector can be three or two of contact, in any case, the patent refers to two possible configurations. The same applies to the connector of the form itself. It can be rectangular, like the Lightning connector, A may be circular, as that is used in the memory for the Apple Watch. Only in the case of the Smart Connector round it is just about trehpinovom version or the version with contacts in the form of concentric rings. Such "pyramidal" connector contacts should be built on both sides for two-way connection. While the option of one-way contact is also possible.
Interests and principles peripherals connect to gadgets with the help of the Smart Connector. When connecting each accessory gadget transmits data not only ready for use. This takes into account and the orientation of the connector (this is important for the proper organization of data and power), and connection type (whether it is only one side is connected, or is connected thereto and another device).
For example, the connected headphones gadget will give information about the communication and the request for audio content and nutrition. And AC / DC adapter will report on the possibilities for charging the device and other connected accessories. According to Apple's, in a way to the gadget you can connect any number of accessories - and a removable battery, and additional storage media, and a keyboard, and more.
This method of integration with accessories is much more convenient than a connection through different ports like USB, Thunderbolt, 3,5 mm headphone jack. Sam gadget, even if you have multiple peripheral devices, will look more compact.
The first patent talking about using Smart Connector new type of iOS-devices. However, there is an idea to provide docking support "pyramid" of the magnetic connector. It will also transmit data or recharge via such stations multiple devices. And this dock can become almost universal adapter if it has to maintain and traditional connectors.
Of course, it is not known whether Apple sells the patent to real devices. But the prospects of the new technology is very promising, not to mention the convenience.
This patent number 9300083 issued by the Bureau of Apple United States Patent and Trademark Office and is called «Stackable magnetically-retained connector interface».

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