Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Two weeks free Fallout Shelter earned $ 5.1 million

But the game is only available


 on iOS, and it is free at least in-game purchases, which in this case is entirely optional.
We expected that, together with the company Bethesda Fallout 4 announces at E3 and a mobile port of the original game, but instead got a simple strategy Fallout Shelter on the development of shelters in which people experience a nuclear apocalypse. At first glance, it was logical to bet on nostalgia, and I personally all limbs for porting Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 on iPad. Willing to pay for these games a lot of money, like other fans of the series. But experience has shown that Bethesda did the right thing, because the first two weeks of its existence, Fallout Shelter brought the company $ 5.1 million.
The most interesting thing in this strategy is not shareware obsessive Donato. That is, you can safely develop their asylum without investing real money, no time limits, or any other resources. From built-in shopping there are only so-called lunch-boxes containing equipment, bonuses and additional basic resources, whether energy, water or food. Price - $ 0.99 for a single and $ 19.99 for 40 lunch boxes.
It is unlikely that the people putting money into the game just because of nostalgia and love to the universe of Fallout. Developers of mobile razvlekalovki obviously not knowingly eat their own bread, and created a really high quality and addictive product, comfortable use for which people are willing to pay. But the hope to see the two original games on mobile platforms, I still did not leave.
