Monday, July 27, 2015

iPad mini will be a miniature copy 4 iPad Air 2

Rumored iPad mini 4 


generation will receive technical equipment, present now iPad Air 2, and will be the last device in the line of compact tablets.
Japanese publication Macotakara Saturday published information on the new generation of iPad mini, which goes on sale this fall. According to a source publication, iPad mini 4 get as close to the iPad Air 2 configuration: 8-megapixel camera, a processor and A8X support standard wireless networks Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11ac.
From the external differences in the report refers to the reduction of the thickness of the device with a 7.5 mm to 6.1 mm. Not excluding the use of laminated display without air gap and matt screen used in the iPad Air 2.
As for the iPad Air 3 Macotakara opinion to exclude the possibility of transferring the presentation device for the next year. Using such a strategy could theoretically eliminate congestion partners for the production of 4 and iPad mini iPad Pro, rumors of which do not expire. Japanese sources reported on the conservation of the resource size iPad Air 2, translation device processor A9, as well as the simultaneous release to the market together with the other tablets Apple.

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