Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Jailbroken devices at risk of becoming a victim of hackers

Owners of mobile devices 

Apple with jailbreak subjected to additional risk revealing dubious software access to your smartphone or tablet.
Recently, the company Hacking Team, specializing in cybersecurity, were stolen 400 GB of data, among which was found a huge number of internal documents containing very interesting information. In particular, it was found to confirm the possibility of Hacking Team to access the iOS-devices with jailbreak.
Even in 2013, Edward Snowden's revelations led to the fact that many technology companies have been accused of collaboration with US intelligence agencies. Apple, for example, suspected of deliberately leaving loopholes in the code of iOS, which would allow NSA access to the remote mobile device. Subsequently, the whole story has acquired additional details, and the Snowden recently even praised iOS 8 for the protection of user data.
However, the threat is not over. Hackers have already managed to please the users of iOS, the release of the jailbreak for the newest version of the mobile operating system, and did so after a couple of hours after its release. According to Hacking Team, Jailbreak can have a great disservice to users. The organization already has the tools for remote monitoring of iOS-devices that have undergone the procedure of jailbreaking.
To do this, however, in the hacked iPhone or iPad must be installed special software. This may occur after you connect to the infected computer or install another "tweak." After that, experts Hacking Team will have access to many of the personal data, including correspondence in Skype, WhatsApp and Viber, contacts and call lists, as well as geolocation service with all its consequences.
Of course, the implementation of the procedure of jailbreaking is a voluntary choice for each user, but in some cases, the consequences may cost more than the benefits received.


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