Monday, October 10, 2016

Should stop selling Samsung Galaxy Note 7?

Execution can not be pardoned.

Должна ли Samsung прекратить продажи Galaxy Note7?

Samsung Galaxy Note7 - is not a smartphone, but a meme about explosions. The Cupertino days on end drinking champagne. The main competitor in the smartphone market fell as the enemy does not want.
The other day caught fire safe version Note7. The situation is incredible, you can imagine it on purpose.
So. The Verge proposed a radical method of solving the problem: it is time to simply stop selling Note7. Forget about this device. Or just re-release with a different name, and eliminating the lack of changing the design to new product does not cause negative emotions old.
In short, a question for you. As should go Samsung? And what do you think about all of this scandal? Particularly interesting are the views of the current owners Note7. All OK?
Personally, I'm not happy about the situation. Even if you hate the Samsung, by weakening the competitor will lose all the loyal Apple customers. No opponent - no desire to break forward.

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