Friday, January 8, 2016

Revenues App Store for 2015 amounted to $ 6.4 billion

Mobile applications 


are still being sold very well.
Following the recent records of purchases over the festive period, analysts voiced approximate revenues App Store, Apple for the resulting whole 2015. According to their data, profits from the app store was about $ 6.4 billion.
Recall that the "apple" of the company will charge 30 percent of each purchase in the App Store, including domestic payments. This means that between the third-party developers and publishers of applications was allocated a much larger amount in excess of $ 20 billion.
Despite the fact that the App Store is a relatively minor source of income Apple - less than a fifth of the sales of the iPhone only for the period September - user activity in the app store is an integral component of the well-being of the company. After selling iOS-devices are largely dependent on the amount, and most importantly, the quality of mobile software.
Buyers iOS-apps are more "attached" to the ecosystem Apple, because the transition to Android or Windows, they lose the acquired content, unique to these platforms are often not found.


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