Sunday, January 31, 2016

The company finally decided the issue in the voice assistant Siri

4 years Assistant stubbornly pointed the way to abortion clinics.
The company 


finally decided the issue in the voice assistant Siri, seemingly curious, but made a splash in 2011.
The fact that Siri time refused to issue debt Americans and American women the right information to the nearby centers of abortion without revealing all or instead directing them to centers of adoption.
In a sense, the procedure is exactly the opposite. At the same time, the questions where at 2am to buy Viagra, or order escort services, Siri answered without hesitation.
When this was discovered, the scandal broke. Feminists and human rights activists accuses Apple of discrimination against women, the company said in response that the problem is technical.
One of the organizations fighting for women's rights - Sea Change, seemed to devote their activities to this "problem", and its leader Laurent Himiak several times broke in the media and branded Apple, and in November, wrote an angry letter to the head of Tim Cook.
Now the publication TechCrunch reports that Siri is now correctly indicates Wish abortion clinics in major cities across the country, from New York to Honolulu.
The representative of Apple, commenting on the situation, said that it has nothing to do with public pressure. Just a planned improvement in the relevance of search results within a software update.

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