Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Apple will pay for patent infringement $ 234 million

More lightly.


By decision of the federal court in Wisconsin, the company has to pay $ 234 million for patent infringement of the University of Wisconsin. We are talking about a document Alumni Research Foundation of the University of Wisconsin (Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation), which describes the technology optimize the processor.
Application of this technology to minimize power consumption, due to which increases the battery life on a single charge. The court found that Apple has applied for a patent number 5,781,752 in the production of processors A7, A8 and A8X, thus violating the rights of Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF).
The initial amount of the fine was $ 862 million, but during the deliberations the final figure has decreased. It could increase again in the case if they were provided with evidence of the intentional use of the patent by Apple. It did not happen. In September, WARF filed a second lawsuit, which featured other processors - A9 and A9X, used in the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus and leaving soon iPad Pro.


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